Now for something completely different - Sony has finally set a release date for their first commercial OLED TV. One of several competing technologies to be the "Next Generation" of HD, OLED is certainly the most exciting, and the farthest along.
The next generation television has a screen with a thickness of just three millimetres (0.12 inches), which was made possible because the organic display is self-luminescent and does not require a backlight.
Such screens, which sandwich a very thin layer of organic material between two plates, use less power and offer brighter images and wider viewing angles than liquid crystal display panels.
The real kicker:
Weighs 2 kgs
Measures 287 × 140 × 253mm
Contrast ratio 1,000,000:1
960 x 450 resolution
While the contrast ratio is drool-worthy, the resolution seems deceptively small. But remember these are only 11 inch screen, and the first product that have released in their OLED line. They demoed a 27 incher at CES last year, so it shouldn't be more than 12 months before we see the good stuff.
Of course Japan gets the goodies first (Official Sony Page here in Japanese), but a US release will certainly follow. For those who have been following, Gizmodo first picked this up early this year, (and later here) and now have a comprehensive post with pictures.