Thursday, March 6, 2008

Remembering the Grand Wagoneer

Car Lust posted today on remembering the Jeep Grand Wagoneer, the original SUV. My favorite passage:

In stark contrast to today's posh car-based SUVs, the Wagoneer was a demon off-road, tough as nails, and so solid that it was seemingly hewn from granite. It was so tough that my parents skipped out of their high school homecoming dance to go snowdrift-busting during a blizzard in one of my grandfather's early Wagoneers. Evidently this is what passed for fun in 1968 South Dakota.

I have fond childhood memories of the Wagoneer, which was certainly the toughest car I've ever ridden in. I can vividly recall careening off-road along a creek bed in the dead of winter, the Jeep bounding over rocks and stumps on our way to some Boy Scout related quasi-emergency - true childhood bliss. Read the whole thing. (Via Instapundit)

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